Green Hosting News

Self care habits for social entrepreneurs

16th May 2024

We all know that being an entrepreneur is hard. Especially so in the social business space where we put other priorities above profit.

I believe there’s added pressure in our social business space because we have priorities beyond profit and assume a level of responsibility for various problems in the world that we’re working to resolve. We feel strongly about the causes we support and often worry that we’re not doing enough. We may need to tactfully navigate those who deride or disagree with our aims and we may have to work harder to prove our worth in our industry. It’s an emotional rollercoaster, right?

If we don’t establish self-care practices it becomes increasingly difficult to sustain our energy, care and joy in what we do and at worse we can become exhausted, despondent and sick. From my experience of running an ethical business for a long time I’ve learned that little fixes to make us feel better can be lovely but they don’t provide the longevity of setting in some helpful habits. As an entrepreneur you can be sure that things will go wrong, there will be stress and there will be long, tiring hours. It isn’t always possible to avoid that, but we can head off the nasty effects before they creep up. The trick is to look after ourselves consistently so that we’re better placed to tackle challenges when they arise.

So, here are three simple tried and tested (by me) ways I implement self-care. They aren’t fancy, they aren’t expensive, they don’t need (much) extra time and attention.

Moving your body

When we're busy working, time can slip by so quickly. If like me, the majority of your work involves looking at a screen we can become quite sedentary and before you know it, you haven't moved for hours. We all know that physical exercise is good for us but honestly, I know I'm not going to take up running 10K every morning before work. Nonetheless, moving your body is essential because it releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones that help reduce stress and lift your mood. Exercise gets more blood flowing to your brain, which can make you think more clearly and feel more focused. It can also help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression, boost your self-esteem, and give you a sense of accomplishment. Movement could take any form that works for you. What works for me is a lovely dog walk and often a little dance in the kitchen when the kettle is boiling (don't tell me you don't do it too).

Establishing a routine

OK, I know how impossible this might sound when you’re juggling a business and all of the commitments that life demands. This doesn’t require a rigidly set out day, life just isn’t like that. I mean making sure the essentials are met, like eating lunch, staying hydrated and sticking to a finishing time as well as instilling habits that help you feel a sense of achievement every day. I promise that missing out on meals and staring at a screen with no break for long hours does not help productivity in the long term.

Time in nature

This basically means going outdoors and getting up close and personal with trees and plants. Spending time in the natural environment is now widely recognised and credited as being beneficial for our wellbeing. Some GPs in the UK are now ‘prescribing’ this to support mental good health.

Those in the know about therapeutic horticulture say that the restorative and calming effects of being with nature is increased when combined with an activity, like tending to plants. For me this has double benefits because it helps assuage anxiety about climate change and damage to our natural world by providing a soothing pastime as well as a means of doing something about it. Growing plants to eat reduces food miles and plastic waste, growing plants for pollinators supports biodiversity – it’s a win-win!

“Another thing to do?!” I hear you cry. Yes, I accept that growing plants might feel like just adding another job to the ever-expanding list. So of course, if even the thought of it creates more stress then just take little time to enjoy being in nature instead. Whether it’s in yours or a local community garden, an urban park, in the forest or up a mountain, nature can provide restorative and calming effects in the midst of a draining or anxiety inducing week.

Mental Health Awareness

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2024. Take a look at what the experts at the Mental Health Foundation have to say.

A website hosting newsletter would be boring

8th May 2024

An illustrated nature scene of fields, hills, trees and sun, with a wind turbine in the foreground and the text 'A website hosting newsletter would be boring'You might think that a newsletter from a website hosting company sounds boring. But if you're looking for a way for your business to contribute to positive change, then switching to Green Hosting can help.

We only send our newsletter 4 times a year. So signing up is no big commitment and we hope you'll find what we have to share useful. We'll tell you about...

> the work of some awesome and diverse individuals, brands and organisations. We could create an amazing ethical directory with this gold.

> helpful tips and information for website owners.

> discounts and affiliate opportunities

If you sign up and it's not for you, then you can unsubscribe again. It's not the end of the world.

Here's the link to sign up

Client Appreciation - April 2024 edition

26th Apr 2024

It’s Green Hosting clients appreciation time. Let’s spring into action (see what I did there?) and find out more…

A grid of images showing various Green Hosting clients and text in the centre saying 'Client Appreciation April Edition'Agency of Visible Women
An artist network for women, trans and marginalised genders

Pri Pri
Designing colourful creations from pre loved saris and empowering women in India

The green directory showcasing the best eco friendly products online

The Lewes Pound
A creative yet practical way for local people to make money work for Lewes

Nice to be Nice
A not for profit organisation supporting education in The Gambia

Ambitious Melon
Artist and postman living and working in Leyburn North Yorkshire

Esther McManus
Makes books & comics that explore personal & collective relationships to history

Humanitarian LEAP
A flexible online postgraduate programme in humanitarian practice

Contributing to the future of the Jewish community and society

Walk Ride GM
Campaigning to make walking and cycling the natural choice in Manchester

Supporting anyone touched by pregnancy loss, or the death of a baby or child of any age

The Old Waterworks
Studios, facilities and research and development opportunities for artists

Puffin Digital
A branding and graphic design agency based in Devon

Image description:
A grid of images showing Martin and Carly from Zephyr’s smiling, Priya from Pri Pri speaking and smiling to her grandmother, A group of Humanitarian LEAP students, adults giving school supplies to children in The Gambia

Photo copyright – The individuals and organisations listed in this post

Show your support on the 1st anniversary of Business Without Blood Sports

18th Apr 2024

A huge congratulations to League Against Cruel Sports on the first anniversary of their Business Without Bloodsports campaign. We, along with many other businesses joined a year ago to pledge that we will not support or promote bloodsports of any kind, now or in the future.

A yellow background showing a wind turbine and green hosting logo. The Business Without Bloodsports pledge badge and text 'We never have and never will support or enable blood sports'.

In fact this is something that we already had built into our business’s core values from the day we founded Make Hay web design and Green Hosting nearly 20 years ago. Our ethical policy, which outlines the kinds of activities we love to support via our services and those we do not wish to profit from, has included bloodsports as something we irrefutably do not support since the beginning. And so now being able to officially lend our voice, along with the League Against Cruel Sports and other businesses, to speak up against this horrific activity is something we are delighted to do.

You too can make your pledge to never support or promote bloodsports via your business.

Being able to support an organisation that makes a real difference to animals that suffer in the name of ‘sport’ is what really matters. Through their hard work, dedication and perseverance League Against Cruel Sports makes things happen through their collaboration with other organisations and law enforcement, by offering education and research and in maintaining nature reserves for wildlife, as well as so much more in their campaigns and awareness raising.

We wish you continued success, League Against Cruel Sports, alongside your allies and supporters until animal cruelty is a thing of the past. Thank you for everything you do.

Client Appreciation - March 2024 edition

29th Mar 2024

It’s Green Hosting clients appreciation time. Let’s march on (see what I did there?) to find out more…

A grid of images showing different Green Hosting clients and text in the middle saying 'Client appreciation March edition'Hanna’s Community
Helping vulnerable children of Ethiopia by supporting the maintenance and expansion of Hanna Orphans Home.

Living With the Climate Crisis
Helping people respond to the climate crisis.

Katarina Kelsey Book Conservation
An independent book conservator based in London.

Way Will Open
Coaching, hypnotherapy & management supervision.

Environmental educator and hands-on learning with the natural world.

Festival of Social Science
Celebrating research that helps us understand & shape the society we live in

Friday 13th Zine
A zine founded in 1988 supporting heavy metal music and dedicated to the loss of beloved metal heads

Scissors and Pins Studio
Teaching and inspiring people to make useful and beautiful items.

Tim's badly drawn cat website. You have to visit to see what it's all about.

Beach Creative CIC
A creative community space with a social purpose in the heart of Herne Bay.

Tessa Holly
Visual artist and photographer from Cardiff

Emma Hewlett Proof Reading
Clear, concise and consistent content for conscious businesses

Seal Protection Action Group
Working for seals and their environment.

Image description: A grid of images showing Katarina Kelsey mending a book, staff and children from Hanna’s Community, artist holding up prints of their work at Beach Creative and Tessa Holly sitting on a stool, looking up. Copyright to the organisations and individuals listed above.

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